Fight the Fire

"Fight the Fire"

This song and video (which you can watch below) are a joint statement. To me the point is obvious, but also incredibly important. We must stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Those that would divide us, regardless of which side they are on, are not our friends.  They are not patriots. They are the enemy. Those who look to unite, even when it is at their own peril, are the true leaders of our nation. Of humanity. Strive to find those leaders, or, even better, to become one. The future is in flux. Embrace our differences as opportunities to learn. Enjoy the adventure of it.    

Fight the Fire.  

Thank you to everyone at Cultivated CBD for supporting the creation and message of this song and video. True partnerships matter. True friendships, like the one we have Cultivated, matter even more.   

Chris Hawkey  


Thank you to the guys at BlazeAir Productions for bringing the vision to reality for this video. Fight the Fire is available exclusively for download right now on our website, under the music tab and will be available on iTunes and everywhere you download and listen to music very soon.